Tancredo: Balancing Work, Life, & the Zen of Chaos

So, I was invited to speak at Gun.io about how I keep things balanced while working in tech for the last 20 years.

This talk dives into how I juggle the chaos of leading my digital product agency Dom & Tom, raising my son with my co-parent, and finding time to embrace life – all while keeping my sanity intact.

So, I was invited to speak at Gun.io about how I keep things balanced while working in tech for the last 20 years.

I pull a lot from Stoic and Taoist philosophies, mixing ancient wisdom with some real-world, day-to-day techniques. From bullet journaling to the Pomodoro technique, I share what keeps me grounded and productive.

It’s all about finding that sweet spot between work and life, without losing yourself in either. If you’re in tech – or just trying to find balance Daniel-San-style in a busy world – this one’s for you.


Here’s a link to my talk and my presentation.

